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Western Horse Academy

Escape into the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada and join us in Willmore Wilderness Park. Our retreats are for adventurous entrepreneurs and leaders who thrive on a five-star experience for themselves and their teams. Among many, our academy is designed to make you feel at home. Everyone is welcome!



Kids Camps

Wilderness pack trips
5 to 7 days long

Guided Hiking

Trail rides

Riding Lessons

Horse Clinics

Wilderness Retreats




The Reynolds family haven't always done business together. Kyle and Andonia are parents of two and entrepreneurs.

Kyle is the Owner and CEO of "Elite Gas Services Inc". Among many of his skills, he has spent the majority of his life in the bush. From running his own trap line at five years old, to rugged hunts by foot in the backcountry. He is known for his knife making skills and artistic abilities.

Andonia has been in the horse industry 25+ years. She worked as a guide/wrangler in Willmore Wilderness Park and spent every summer break in the bush for two months. Andonia is certified with CHA as a riding instructor in English and Western and affiliate with Equi-Health Canada. Attended Olds College for Equine Science and majored in western horsemanship and graduated with honors from University of Guelph in Equine Studies. She is also a published author in the "Ignite your Adventurous Spirit".


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